Instilling Passions for the Environment, One Gamer at a Time!





Note: this page of the website is under construction. is in the process of being legally incorporated as a New York State based nonprofit corporation.  The founding Directors are:

Bryan Mundell (PhD, Cornell U.), an expert on simulation games for more than 30 years, and founder of the Cornell Simulators Association in 1975.  Dr. Mundell has ten years of experience in designing and using simulations in the management classroom while teaching Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management in the Masters Division of Bocconi University Graduate School of Management.

Janet Hawkes, Founder of The Cayuga Lake Watershed Network, and a manager in charge of environmental education at Cooperative Extension, Cornell University’s outreach institute.  Before that, Ms. Hawkes was in charge of educational programs at the Cayuga Nature Center.  (BIO TO BE MODIFIED BY JANET ASAP)

Tad McGalliard, Development Director and Curricular Support Coordinator, Cornell University Center for the Environment. (BIO TO BE MODIFIED BY TAD ASAP)

Once the bylaws have been created and signed and we are legally incorporated, we will constitute the Board of Directors with a mix of academics, career environmentalists, philanthropists, business people, and gamers. will be independent of control by any other person or any single organization, so as to be free to pursue non-exclusive production and distribution contracts with the designers of the best environmental games from around the world.


Instilling Passions for the Environment, One Gamer at a Time!


59 Sapsucker Wds Road
Ithaca, NY USA
+1-607-257-0610 tel
website by