Instilling Passions for the Environment, One Gamer at a Time!





Our vision is that the Millennium Generation will become as informed and passionate about protecting and cleaning up the natural environment as they currently are about Pokemon, Magic trading cards, and Harry Potter.

Our first problem is to get millions of young people to take the environment much more seriously, we must get them to dedicate large amounts of their free time to it, but much of their free time is now spent playing a mountain of games, and we are unlikely to move them off that mountain, whether they prefer board games, card games, or video games.

Our solution is that if you can't move Mohammed off the mountain, then change the mountain under Mohammed!!  In other words, if we want people to get passionate about the natural environment, then we must get them to spend large amounts of their free time playing exciting games about the environment.


Instilling Passions for the Environment, One Gamer at a Time!


59 Sapsucker Wds Road
Ithaca, NY USA
+1-607-257-0610 tel
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